Aura Cleansing
Aura Cleansing Scent Cleansing – You, like every living being, have an aura – a rainbow of colors encompassing your body. Your aura defines your past, your present, your future. Your aura determines if you will be lonely and isolated, or surrounded by loved ones. It determines if you will have money worries or be able to amass great wealth. Ultimately, your aura determines if you will be frustrated and sad – or successful and happy.
A clean aura, unencumbered by imperfections, will allow the good things to enter your life.
However, if your aura is riddled with imperfections, your life will never be fulfilled – you will never get what you want! The barriers that are present in a cluttered aura will most certainly prevent you from achieving the happiness and success you so deserve.
Once your aura is cleansed – removing the imperfections and dark clouds that surround it – only then can love and money flow through your aura into your life. Only then can you discover the gold mine that is waiting for you.
Remember These Words:
“Your aura is like a fingerprint; it is completely unique and represents precisely who you really are. But unlike the fingerprint, a gifted psychic can change your aura, cleanse it – eliminating the clouds, the defects, the negatives. The results could be startling: your relationships could be better than ever, your love life could get a jump start, and your finances could take a quantum leap.”
Ask for your Aura cleansing and get ready to enjoy your gold mine!
Aspect Cleansing
The aura cleansing properties of water can also be accessed through visualization or imagination.
Sit comfortably in a quiet place where you are assured of not being disturbed. Close your eyes and feel your body relax. Take a few deep, slow breaths in and out, and with each out-breath feel, all of the muscles in your body loosen. Pay special attention to your face, neck, and shoulders.
Now, imagine yourself to be sitting under a waterfall. See the glistening water gently falling over you. Try and feel what it would really be like. How cool is the water on your skin? Smell the fresh air. Hear the water falling into the pool below. Stick your tongue out and taste the freshness of the water.
Visualize the water filled with sparkling white light. See it penetrating your entire body, cleansing every cell as it washes through you.
If there is any fear, anger, hurt, pain, grief, or sadness within you, see the beautiful sparkly water cleansing it out. Watch as any ‘dirty’ patches within your body are dissolved by the water and washed away.
Continue with this process for as long as you wish, until you see yourself as completely clean and sparkling, inside and out.
Emanation Cleansing
When you have finished, bring yourself back into the moment by taking a few deep breaths and wriggling your fingers and toes.
Make it your intention to carry this Light with you for the rest of the day. The smudging ritual is a Native American one, where smoke from dried white sage is used to cleanse the aura. Smudge sticks are available from most New Age shops or online stores. Light the end of the stick and wait until the flame goes out. The stick will be left smoldering and producing smoke.
Now waft the stick around your body, reaching up and down and front and back as far as you can (without doing yourself an injury!) The smoke will cleanse your energy as it penetrates your energy field. When you are done, dip the end of the stick into the soil outside to extinguish it. You can keep it and use it again on a regular basis.